Simplifying Login Domain Restrictions for your Service Desk
Define What Domains Have Access
This feature is designed to help you to control which Azure AD tenant can authenticate to your specified tenant. When logging in using Azure authorization, any Microsoft account user can log in, but only those within the designated 'Domains' will be able to authenticate and gain access to the tenant. Our step-by-step guide will provide you with all the necessary information to set up this feature and ensure that your tenant is secure and protected from unauthorized access.
Step 1: Accessing Login Domain Restrictions
Begin by navigating to the Chime User Management section. Look for the 'Login Domain Restrictions' option within the Admin menu. This is the starting point for configuring domain-specific access controls.
Step 2: Choosing Domain Access Options
Once in the 'Login Domain Restrictions' section, select the 'Allow Users From Only These Domains' option. This choice will enable you to specify the domains from which users are allowed to log in.
Settings Page for Login Domain Restriction
Allow one or more than one Azure AD tenant domain to login to your tenant
Step 3: Defining Allowed Domains
In the 'Allowed Domains' field, input the domains that should have access to your Chime tenant. Refer to the provided JSON data for the correct format. You can include multiple domains, each associated with a unique TenantId.
"DomainName": "Instant",
"TenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000"
"DomainName": "Sandbox",
"TenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000"
Step 4: Configuring Azure Active Directory
Move to Chime Settings > Azure Active Directory. Confirm that the TenantId is listed as 'common.' This setting is crucial for allowing users from other tenants to sign in, ensuring a broader scope of collaboration.
Azure AD Authentication Settings
Update or configure Azure AD Authentication settings, change App ID or change Tenant ID
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I add multiple domains in the 'Allowed Domains' field?
Yes, you can include multiple domains in the 'Allowed Domains' field. Ensure each domain follows the format specified in the JSON data provided in the setup guide.
How do I find my TenantId for Chime?
Refer to the JSON data provided in the setup guide. The TenantId is associated with each domain. Copy the relevant TenantId for configuration in Chime Settings > Azure Active Directory.
Note: If you face issues related to the redirect URL, follow the recommendation to add a new user from the tenant and register the user. This often resolves redirect URL concerns. In case issues persist, head to your Azure Portal and navigate to the Chime V5 app registration's redirect URL section. If the redirect URL for the specified tenant is not listed, manually add it for a comprehensive solution.