Release Notes - AI Chat for Enterprise
Build: 2024.11.5.2541 (November 7, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.SessionsStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateCreateTicket, CHimeV5.Ticketing.Invgate, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SimpleChoice
Update: Dotnet version - Upgrade projects to dotnet 8.0 (Ticket #5577)
Update: InvGate Create Ticket/Simple Choice Pipeline - Set field type to be Text instead of Numeric, make 'Submit' button caption customizable (Ticket #5603)
Update: InvGate Ticketing - Added configuration option to create InvGate ticket pipeline - observer email address and comments (Ticket #5569)
Update: Feedback Card - Late submitted feedback is included in chat transcript (Ticket #5602) (Image)
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Build: 2024.10.31.2537 (October 31, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.SummarizeConversation, ChimeV5.AI.ConversationalAnalysis, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.AI.PromptLibrary, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.FaqFiles, ChimeV5.HelpCenter, ChimeV5.UI.ManagerContent, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Invgate, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.ChimeTeannt, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Debug, ChimeV5.OrchardUtils, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.Agents
Updated: FAQ Files - Added support for 'FAQ View Stats' and 'FAQ Lookup Stats' (Ticket #5572) (Image) (Image)
Updated: FAQ Files - Added the FAQ vote buttons at the bottom of the view page for FAQ Files (Ticket #5572) (Image)
Updated: FAQ Files - Added ability to pick FAQFileItems as part of FeaturedContent item (Ticket #5572) (Image)
Updated: FAQ Files/ Azure OpenAI - Uploaded file names are updated to match the FAQ File Item title and handling of unpublishing or deleting files on the tenant & Azure search blob storage has been updated (Ticket #5593) (Image)
Updated: FAQ Files - Added language/locale tagging to FAQ File Items (Ticket #5572) (Image)
Updated: FAQ Lookup - Updated to support language search metadata and exact language matching for FAQ File Items (Ticket #5572)
Updated: FAQ Files - Allowed additional file types to be 'allowed file extensions' to upload
Updated: Azure OpenAI - Added error handling around trying to get image attachments for ChatGPT conversation history (Ticket #5590)
Updated: Manager UI - Added 'Help Centers' to the content dropdown of the manager UI (Image) (Image)
Updated: Bot Endpoint/ Chime Tenant - Added improvements to chat handling across tenant settings saves and reloads (Ticket #5585)
Updated: InvGate Ticketing - Added script wrapper and API calls to add comments & observers and updated the 'get ticket by ID' & validate user has access to it (Ticket #5569)
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Build: 2024.10.17.2520 (October 18, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.HelpCenter, ChimeV5.Webclient, ChimeV5.Reporting.AdditionalReports, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.OrchardUtils, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.FAQFiles, OrchardCore.Cms.Web, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Invgate
Update: Azure OpenAI/ FAQs - Added support for managing files as part of new FAQ files module - Create a module to track uploaded PDF content for Chat GPT indexing (Image) (Image) (Image) (Image)
Update: Bot Endpoint - Added lock to ensure incoming message is fully processed for conversation before handling next activity (Ticket #5566)
Update: Invgate - Added API call and script wrapper to get ticket by Id (Ticket #5569) (Image)
Update: Help Center - Use current user email when you start a chat in help center instead of, , added support for long titles
Update: Help Center - Added http API endpoint to fetch chats from client side
Update: Help Center - Added a way to view and search all chats by guest question and by chat state (GIF)
Update: Agent Web Client UI - Notes field of Guest tab has been moved to the top and placeholder text that can be selected has been added (Image)
Updated: Reporting UI - Removed 'Create New Report', 'Report Definitions', and 'Report Category' buttons from the top of the page (Ticket #5567)
Updated: Reporting UI - Added the report description under the title of the report if it exists (Image)
Updated: Reporting - Added new content part for 'RelatedReportsPart' onto the ChimeReportItem allowing related reports to be assigned in the report definition and displayed in the reporting UI as a sidebar (Ticket #5557) (Image) (Image) (GIF)
Updated: Reports - Updated all 'Chat Resolution' reports to include 'Connected Time' and 'Agent Notes' in the report results table (Ticket #5579)
Chat Resolution - Average Chat Duration vs Total Resolved Chats (Bar)
Chat Resolution - Average Chat Duration vs Total Resolved Chats by Agent (Bar)
Chat Resolution - Chat Duration vs Total Resolved Chats (Bar)
Chat Resolution - Chat Duration vs Total Resolved Chats by Agent (Bar)
Chat Resolution - Chats Resolved by Type (Pie)
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Build: 2024.10.9.2511 (October 10th, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.HelpCenter, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.Reporting.AdditionalReports, OrchardCore.Cms.Web, Chimev5.Ticketing.ZohoDesk, ChimeV5.OrchardUtils
Updated: ZohoDesk - Make OAuth URL configurable (it is different based on region) (Ticket #5533, #5564) (Image)
Added: Help Center - New feature & page with customizable featured services modules and personal agent details such as 'My Recent Chats' (Ticket #5560) (Image) (Image) (Image) (Image) (Image) (Image) (Image) (Image)
Updated: Report - Renamed report 'Analysis: Deflected vs Total Chats (Pie)' to 'Analysis: Deflected vs Not Deflected Chats (Pie) (Ticket #5562)
Updated: Reports - Renamed reports so all 'vs' and 'by' text are lowercase (Ticket #5562)
Added: Report - Added new AI report (Ticket #5478)
AI - Average Time Spent With ChatGPT Chatbot Over Time (Bar) (Image)
Updated: Report - Updated pie reports with percentage data & support for pie chart percentage drilldowns with $LABEL (Ticket #5568)
Analysis: Deflected Chats by Reason (Pie) (Image)
Session State of Chats Connected to Agent (Pie) (Image)
Session State of all Ended Chats (Pie) (Image)
No User Response Chats End State (Pie) (Image)
Inbound Chats by Platform (Pie) (Image)
Chat Resolution – Chats Resolved by Type (Pie) (Image)
Guest Rating (Pie) (Image)
Most Common Keywords (Pie) (Image)
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Build: 2024.10.3.2502 (October 4, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): OrchardCore.Cms.Web, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ZohoDeskCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.Reporting.Tests, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.AI.AgentChatAssist
Updated: Tenant Standup Recipe - Increase default page size to 30 for admin and manager pages
Added: ZohoDesk Create/Update Ticket Pipeline - Added the create/update ticket pipeline stage for ZohoDesk (Ticket #5533)
Updated: Solarwinds Create/Update Ticket Pipeline - Added call to log AI summary in the ticket comments (Ticket #5543)
Updated: JavaScript Wrapper Call - Added new 'addCommentsToSolarwindsTicket() call for login AI summary (Ticket #5543)
Updated: Reporting - Added support for report drilldown (Ticket #5504)
Updated: Azure OpenAI - Updated OpenAI settings dialog and added 'Help' page (Ticket #5548)
Updated: Azure OpenAI - Updated handling for Teams upload files that are common image formats (Ticket #5553)
Updated: Agent AI Chat Assist - Reduced number of responses that are cut off mid-sentence (Ticket #5554)
Updated: Reports - Updated comparisons for Session.Deflected metadata (Ticket #5558)
Added: Reports - Added set of AI reports and AI category (Ticket #5478)
AI - Agent Assist Feature Usage (Bar)
AI - Agent Assist Feature Usage By Agent (Bar)
AI - Agent Assist Feature Usage Over Time (Bar)
AI - Average Number of Chat Responses from ChatGPT Chatbot (Bar)
AI - Chat Summaries (Table)
AI - Connected to ChatGPT Chatbot (Bar)
AI - Connected to ChatGPT Chatbot Over Time (Line)
AI - Deflected and Escalated from ChatGPT Chatbot (Bar)
Updated: Reports - Updated 4 deflection reports (Ticket #5478)
Details: AI Chat Deflection vs Total Chats (Bar)
Details: AI Chat Deflection vs Total Chats Over Time (Line)
Details: FAQ Deflection vs Total Chats (Bar)
Details: FAQ Deflection vs Total Chats Over Time (Line)
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Build: 2024.9.26.2490 (September 26, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Tenants, OrchardCore.Cms.Web, ChimeV5.Pipeline.GptChat, ChimeV5.AI.AgentChatAssist, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI
Updated: Azure OpenAI Library - Upgraded Azure.AI.OpenAI package from 1.0.0-beta.15 to 2.0.0-beta.6 and added support for handling image attachments on the AI Chatbot (Ticket #5546) (Image)
Updated: Tenant Recipe - Added new AI pipeline to Enterprise tier tenant standup recipe and set it as the primary pipeline (Ticket #5547) (Image)
Updated: Tenant Recipe - Updated recipe to add/enable AI features by default (Ticket #5547)
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Version: 2024.9.20.2487 (September 20, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.ZohoDeskTickets, OrchardCore.Cms.Web, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.ManagerUI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.OrchardCommon, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.Reporting.AdditionalReports, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.OrchardUtils, ChimeV5.Ticketing.ZohoDesk, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Agents
Updated: Tenant Standup Recipe - Updated the 2 default pipelines with updated cards and additional script modules (Image) (Image)
Updated: Connect To Agent Pipeline - Updated agent invite card with handling for scenarios without agent profile images, as well as Redis cache updates (Tickets #5534, #5539) (Image)
Added: ZohoDesk Ticketing Feature - Added support for ZohoDesk ticketing with the wiring, configuration page, script methods, and ticket list pipeline activity using mock data (Ticket #5533) (Image) (Image)
Updated: Cognitive Search Status Page - Updated the cognitive search status page to run indexer action (Ticket #5538) (Image)
Updated: Tenant Standup Recipe - Updated content IDs for two reports to prevent them from being overwritten (Ticket #5542)
Top Agents (Bar)
Inbound vs Connected by Agent (Bar)
Updated: Agent UI - Modified to clear chats from local session cache if they are not stored in Redis when terminated (Ticket #5541)
Updated: Agent Web Client UI - Added tooltips displaying full date on state change and routing tabs in session details/agent web client; updated the admin view of chat sessions to show routing and state changes (Ticket #5541) (Image)
Updated: Manager UI - Improved KillChat action and resolved Redis lock error during session update after tenant reload (Ticket #5541)
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Build: 2024.9.18.2477 (September 18, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgentWithEscalation, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Agents, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.Outages, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.StandardReplies, ChimeV5.Pipelines, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.ManagerUI, ChimeV5.Reporting.AdditionalReports, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, OrchardCore.Cms.Web
Update: Manager New User Form - Updated styling, added password requirements and added 'field is required' message (Image)(Image)
Update: Tenant Standup Recipe - Remove extra / in the URLs to reference branding/card-logo (Ticket #5531)
Added: Reports - Updated one new percentage report to tenant standup recipe (Ticket #5452)
Chat Statistics - Deflection Breakdown (Bar) (Image)
Added: Report - Added three new reports to tenant standup recipe (Ticket #5444)
Update: Agent Web Client - Add ability to invite agents with /invite command (Ticket #5309) (Image)
Update: Standard Replies - Add support for new /invite command (Ticket #5309) (Image)
Update: Import/Export Deployment Plans - Added buttons for 'Select All' and 'Select None' when selecting FAQs, Outages, Reports, Standard Replies, and Pipelines to add to the deployment plan (Ticket #5328) (Image)
Update: Agent UI - Render agent names in the active chat list and add 'An agent has invited you to join' label for agent invites (Image)
Update: Agent UI - Swap local in-memory caching in AgentService with redis cache
Update: Connect To Agent/ Connect To Agent With Escalation - Updated the message sent to other agents when an invited agent joins (Ticket #5536)
Fix: Import/Export Deployment Plans - Disabled the autoroute path on export and run the tag pruning step when exporting FAQs (Ticket #5532)
Update: Reporting Metrics - Add reporting metric values for if an agent was invited and the invited agent name (Ticket #5309) (Image)
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Version: 2024.9.12.2467
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.UI.ManagerDashboard, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.SendCard, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Reporting.AdditionalReports, ChimeV5.Reporting.Tests
Update: Reporting - Add support for percent operation for charts (Ticket #5505) (Image)
Added: Reports - Added in 2 new reports (Ticket #5439)
Update: Manager UI - Add 'View Agents Status' page and disable auto expand on manager menu sub dropdown (Image)
Update: Send Adaptive Card Pipeline - Add timeout connector if card has submit button option (Ticket #5518) (Image)
Update: Reporting UI - Updated generation of filenames for CSVs export in combined ZIP download (Ticket #5495) (Image)
Update: Manager Dashboard - Added scroll bar to agent list widget (Image)
Update: Bot Endpoint - Updated message sent for agent pick event for a session that doesn't exist (Ticket #5517)
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Version: 2024.9.9.2448 (September 9, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.Reporting.AdditionalReports
Update: Handling of agents resolving chats using csrf token
Update: Markdown editor toolbar button alignment (Image)
Updated: Reports (Ticket #5481)
Added: Reports (Ticket #5516)
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Version: 2024.9.6.2443 (September 6, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Reporting.AdditionalReports, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ScriptChoice, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.Webclient
Added: Reports - Added new reports (Tickets #5456, #5442, #5420, #5446, #5512, #5513, #5514, #5515)
Top Agents (Bar) (Image)
Inbound vs Resolved Chats (Bar) (Image)
Inbound vs Routed to Agent vs Connected to Agent (Bar) (Image)
Completed Chats Not Connected to Agent (Table) (Image)
Inbound Chats by Platform (Pie) (Image)
Session State of all Ended Chats (Pie) (Image)
Session State of Chats Connected to Agent (Pie) (Image)
Updated: Agent Dashboard UI - 'Accept Chat' button changes to 'Rejoin Chat' when the agent web client window is opened (Image)
Added: Chat States Help Document - Added new help page for 'Chat States' (Ticket #5509)
Updated: Manager Dashboard - Updated the sidebar to include 'Help' documents under the 'Reports and Metrics' dropdown (Ticket #5509) (Image)
Added: JavaScript Methods - Added two more options for 'NoUserResponse' tracking (Ticket #5501) (Image)(Image)
Update: Session Details UI - Added state badge to the 'Guest' tab and changed the ended chat time text color to black (Image)
Update: Agent Web Client - Added the browser name and icons to Guest.Platform metadata in the 'Guest' tab (Ticket #5511)
Update: Reporting UI - Added option to export chart data or results table or both (Ticket #5495) (Image)
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Version: 2024.8.29.2430 (September 3, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.OrchardCommon, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.EchoStrate, ChimeV5.Outages, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToChimeV4, ChimeV5.Pipeline.GptChat, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRACreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.KeyPhraseExtraction, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendEmail, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendText, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SericeNowCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.Subflow, CHimeV5.Pipeline.SummarizeConversation, ChimeV5.Pipeline.TextPrompt, ChimeV5.SendCard, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ScriptChoice, ChimeV5.SharepointFaqImporter, ChimeV5.SharepointFaqImporter.Tests, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme
Update: Chime Chat Session Content Item - Resolved view error in Admin looking at ChimeChatSessionItem document (Ticket #5506) (Image)
Update: JavaScript Methods - Add engine-set metadata when a chat trips the no-guest-response timeouts on card, add metadata set by timeout component (Ticket #5501) (Image)
Update: NextState Value - Added fix for looping pipeline states when re-entering them after Invalid Message => RouteToPipeline (Ticket #5488) (Gif)
Update: JS Wrapper - Added JS wrapper calls to set metadata 'NoUserResponse' and 'NoUserResponse.Reason' (Ticket #5501)
Added: noUserResponseCustomReason(reason)
Added: noUserResponseAfterFAQLookup()
Added: noUserResponseAfterTicketListing()
Added: noUserResponseAfterTicketCreation()
Added: noUserResponseAfterOutageDisplay()
Added: noUserResponseAfterAIAssist()
Added: noUserResponseAfterFeedbackCard()
Update: Agent Web Client - Make 'Leave Chat' button close all connections for agent + fix issue with closing window (Ticket #5490)
Update: Metadata - Enforce rules about Session.State values set by all 'UpdateMetadata' calls (Ticket #5501)
Update: SharePoint Import - Strip tags, convert encoded nbsp's, tweaks for markdown images + tests (Ticket #5498)
Update: Manager Dashboard - Update the manager sidebar menu UI (Image) (Image)
Update: Report Datasets Help Page - Update to mark images as embedded resources instead of content (Ticket #5500) (Image)
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Version: 2024.8.26.2419 (August 27, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, Chimev5.Pipeline.BossDeskTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgents, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgentWithEscalation, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRACreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRATickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.KeyPhraseExstraction, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ScriptChoice, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendEmail, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendText, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ServiceNowCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ChimeV5.Ticketing.JIRA, ChimeV5.Reporting.AdditionalReports, OrchardCore.Cms.Web, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.Reporting.Tests, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant, ChimeV5.TenantRepository, ChimeV5.AI.PromptLibrary, ChimeV5.FeaturedContent, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.ProblemTags, ChimeV5.UI.ManagerDashboard, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.AdaptiveCards, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.OrchardUtils, ChimeV5.Outages, ChimeV5.Pages, ChimeV5.StandardReplies, ChimeV5.UsefulNotes, ChimeV5.Pipelines, ChimeV5.UI.ChatHistory, ChimeV5.UI.ManagerContent
Update: Simulate FAQ Search - Updated test FAQ Lookup UI and rendering in manager dashboard and CSS for better overflow/scrolling. (Image)
Update: Ticketing/Connect To Agent - Added updates to prevent double-exiting chat states (Ticket #5494).
Update: Reports - Added 'Agent List' category and associated reports (Ticket #5502). (Image)
Update: Report Datasets Help Page - Updated pathing for images (Ticket #5500). (Image)
Update: Agent Dashboard UI - Added date to active chat list. (Image)
Update: Reporting UI - Updated the report selection dropdown to a max-width of 300px. (Image)
Update: Reports - Added 'ASA - Average Speed To Answer - By Agent (Bar)' report and updated reports to include "Off Hours' deflection metadata (Ticket #5496). (Image) (Image)
Added: Reporting Help Pages - Added help pages for reporting metrics and report datasets. (Image)
Update: Report Definitions UI - Combined the default chart options for a report with the report definitions option (Ticket #5489).
Update: Adaptive Card - Updated handling of card submissions after the chat has ended (Ticket #5473).
Update: Manager Reporting UI - Added search input in the chat history table and updated the default result entries set to 50. (Image)
Update: JavaScript Methods - Added JavaScript wrapper deflection methods (Ticket #5493):
Update: JavaScript Pipeline - Refactored to reduce the number of reloads on the agent UI/session details page (Ticket #5493).
Update: Manager Dashboard UI - Updated manager dashboard sidebar menu. (Image)
Update: Agent Web Client UI - Removed empty space from guest question.
Update: Reports - Updated recipe definitions for 'Basic Details (Table)' report to use timespan and other report Total Seconds formatting (Ticket #5482): (Image)
Basic Details (Table) (Image)
Chats By Azure Lookup Keywords (Bar)
Chats By Azure Lookup Language (Bar)
Chats by Locale (Pie)
Chats Inbound (Doughnut)
Connected Inbound Chats (Bar)
Connected To Agent By Date (Bar)
Conversations By Agent (Bar)
Inbound Over Time (Line)
Inbound vs Connected Chats By Date (Bar)
Most Common Keywords (Pie)
Number of Inbound Chats Date (Bar)
Web Vs Teams Chats (Doughnut)
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Version: 2024.8.20.2396 (August 20, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.Reporting.AdditionalReports, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.AgentUI
Update: Reports - Show dataset name and definition when collapsed for chart datasets, similar to the result fields (Image)
Update: Reporting UI - Add a button to edit the currently selected report (Gif)
Update: Reports - Updated support for Session.Deflected reporting metadata (Ticket #5486) (Image)
Added: Metadata - Added scripting methods to get metadata for a session (Image)
Update: FAQLookup/Agent Web Client - Updated so unpublished FAQs are not shown to guests and added view error-handling (Ticket #5485) (Image)
Update: Agent Web Client - Trimmed question to 100 characters, tooltip has full question, click on question text to view the full question in the 'Guest' tab (Gif)
Update: Reporting UI - Updated to get report ID from the currently selected category list, allowing the 'Edit Report' button to function as expected
Update: Reports - Updated reports to use updated metadata values, data positioning, and renamed some reports (Ticket #5479)
Analysis: Deflected by Reason vs Total vs Connected (Bar) (Image)
Analysis: Deflected Chats by Reason (Bar) (Image)
Chat Statistics (Bar) (Image)
Chat Statistics - Simplified (Bar) (Image)
Details: FAQ Deflection vs Total Chats (Bar) (Image)
Details: FAQ Deflection vs Total Chats Over Time (Line) (Image)
Details: Ticketing Deflection vs Total Chats (Bar) (Image)
Details: Ticketing Deflection vs Total Chats Over Time (Line) (Image)
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Version: 2024.8.15.2371 (August 15, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.Reporting.AdditionalReports, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.StandardReplies, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Outages, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgentWithEscalation, ChimeV5.AI.AgentChatAssist
Update: Reports - Register ticketing meta data fields with reporting metrics for report builder (Ticket #5477) (Image)
Fix: Outages - Pipeline error message recorded when there are no active chats (Ticket #5472)
Update: Report - Update labels displayed for Session.Deflected
Update: Report - Round chart labels to 2 decimal places (Ticket #5466) (Image)
Update: Agent AI Assist - Add data tracking and new metadata values for any message sent by agent, number AI messages sent by agent, number of AI suggestions generated (Ticket #5462) (Image)
Update: Agent Dashboard UI - Added standard replies page to the left side nav bar on the agent dashboard (Ticket #5469) (Image)
Update: Reports - Update 'Start Date' and 'End Date' to hide the time by default and add a clock toggle to display it (Ticket #5480) (Image)
Added: Reports - Added a new suite of deflection reports and new report category 'Deflection Analysis' as well as a single to be added to the KPI category (Ticket #5479) (Image)
KPI - Analysis: Deflected by Reason vs Total vs Connected (Bar)
Deflection Analysis - Analysis: Deflected by Reason vs Total vs Connected (Bar)
Deflection Analysis - Analysis: Deflected Chats By Reason (Bar)
Deflection Analysis - Analysis: Deflected Chats By Reason (Pie)
Deflection Analysis - Analysis: Deflected Chats Over Time (Line)
Deflection Analysis - Analysis: Deflected vs Total Chats (Bar)
Deflection Analysis - Analysis: Deflected vs Total Chats (Pie)
Deflection Analysis - Analysis: Deflected vs Total Chats vs Connected to Agent (Bar)
Deflection Analysis - Details: AI Chat Deflection vs Total Chats (Bar)
Deflection Analysis - Details: AI Chat Deflection vs Total Chats Over Time (Line)
Deflection Analysis - Details: FAQ Deflection vs Total Chats (Bar)
Deflection Analysis - Details: FAQ Deflection vs Total Chats Over Time (Line)
Deflection Analysis - Details: Outages Deflection vs Total Chats (Bar)
Deflection Analysis - Details: Outages Deflection vs Total Chat Over Time (Line)
Deflection Analysis - Details: Ticketing Deflection vs Total Chats (Bar)
Deflection Analysis - Details: Ticketing Deflection vs Total Chats Over Time (Line)
Fix: Reports - Remove duplicate submit button (Ticket #5480)
Update: Reports - Add download as CSV button (Image)
Added: Feature - Added additional reports feature (Image)
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Version: 2024.8.12.2361 (August 13, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Debug, OrchardCore.Cms.Web, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Outages, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToagentWithEscalation, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SummarizeConversation, ChimeV5.Pipeline.TransferToTenant, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRATickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateTickets, ChimeV5.Pages, ChimeV5.Pipeline.OrchardCommon, ChimeV5.TagsImport
Update: Reports - Use data labels plugin to show chart value labels (Ticket #5412) (Image)
Update: FAQs - Add language field to FAQs (Ticket #5465) (Image) (Image)
Update: FAQ Lookup - Added 'Language Search Metadata Field' and 'Exact Language Match Required' toggle to pipeline item (Ticket #5465) (Image) (Image)
Update: Test FAQ Lookup - Added 'Locale' field and 'Exact Language Match' toggle as well as the 'Language' column of the FAQs list (Ticket #5465) (Image)
Update: Logging - Updated log file naming and download date on the Logs page (Ticket #5454)
Update: Agent Dashboard - Redesign of the agent dashboard UI and updated 'Waiting', 'Longest Waiting', and 'Agents Online' values (Ticket #5469) (Image) (Image) (Image) (Image)
Update: Outages - When an outage is selected the Session.State is no longer marked as deflected (Ticket #5467)
Update: SolarWinds, JIRA, & InvGate Ticket List - Updated description on card to truncate if it exceeds 250 characters (Ticket #5468)
Fix: Tenant Standup - Fixes around log file naming and recipe migrations (Ticket #5470)
Update: Tenant Standup Recipe - Updated report recipes to add authors and tags for reports in the 'Report Definitions' list (Ticket #5457)
Update: Tenant Standup Recipe - Update New Guests Total & Added Over Time report to show new per time period and total values (Ticket #5471) (Image)
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Version: 2024.8.5.2349 (August 6, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgents, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgentsWithEscalation, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard
Update: Connect To Agent/Connect To Agent With Escalation - Add current wait time and StartedWaiting as values on the signalR routing event for dashboard and additional properties for "RoutingToAgents" event
Fix: Agent Web Client - Updated for rendering images in the chat transcript when multiple images are sent or uploaded via Teams (Ticket #5432) (GIF)
Update: Agent Web Client - Updated to display pasted image attachments inline in agent web client and convert attached teams images to card with pop out link when sent to agent (Ticket #5389) (GIF)
Added: AI Translation - Added timeout to requests to Microsoft Translator GetLanguages API (Ticket #5437)
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Version: 2024.8.1.2344 (August 1, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.BotWorkflows, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.UI.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Reporting
Update: SolarWinds Create/Update Ticket - Added ability to set custom tags and set visibility of chat transcript (in ticket) (Ticket #5433, #5435) (Image)(Image)(Image)
Added: Admin Chat Transcript Page - Added a new Chat Transcripts page under the Chime Content dropdown submenu to view chat transcript content items (Ticket #5461) (Image)(Image)(Image)
Added: Reports - Added New Reports:
Chat Resolution – Average Chat Duration vs Total Resolved Chats by Agent (Bar) (Ticket #5450) (Image)
Chat Resolution – Average Chat Duration vs Total Resolved Chats (Bar) (Ticket #5448) (Image)
Average Guest Rating by Agent (Bar) (Ticket #5441) (Image)
Chat Resolution – Chat Duration vs Total Resolved Chats (Bar) (Ticket #5447) (Image)
Chat Resolution – Chat Duration vs Total Resolved Chats by Agent (Bar) (Ticket #5449) (Image)
Inbound vs Connect by Agent (Bar) (Ticket #5443) (Image)
Number of Chats by Guest Rating (Bar) (Ticket #5440) (Image)
Update: Error Checking & Logging - Updates around adding and removing chats from SessionCache (Ticket #5453)
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Version: 2024.7.30.2335 (July 30, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.ManagerUI, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.Ticketing.JIRA
Fix: Agent Web Client - Update to support rendering of incoming questions with special characters (Ticket #5395) (Image)
Update: Agent Web Client - Update the 'agent already picked chat' message with the name of the agent that picked it (Ticket #5414) (Image)
Update: Agent User Profile Settings - Display current time zone on agent user profile (Ticket #5416) (Image)
Added: User Time Zone Feature - Provides a way to set the time zone per user rather than on a system level (Ticket #5415) (Image)
Update: Manager Manage People/User Profile - Display current time zone for specified user, add option to update the time zone for a user (Ticket #5416) (Image)
Update: Agent Web Client - Update chat transcript adaptive card h1 css to display smaller text titles for ticket lists (Ticket #5418) (Image)
Update: Agent Web Client - Add the guest.platform value (i.e. Windows) on 'Guest' tab of the agent web client UI (Ticket #5415) (Image)
Update: FAQ Lookup - Update the FAQ card title font size to be 'Default' and update text to no longer say AI (Ticket #5429) (Image)
Update: JIRA Ticket List - Default sorting method for tickets by last updated (Ticket #5370) (Image)
Update: Bot Endpoint - Rearrange the order of transcript/attachment saving for the initial message activity (Ticket #5432) (Image)
Update: Tenant ID Caching - Cache the O365 tenant ID for an Orchard tenant rather than looking it up from the database (Ticket #5393)
Added: Reports - Added various new reports (Tickets #5423, #5424, #5425, #5426, #5427, #5428)
ASA - Average Speed To Answer - By Agent List (Bar) (Image)
ASA - Average Speed To Answer Over Time (Line) (Image)
Average Guest Rating Over Time - CSAT (Line) (Image)
Average Time Connected to an Agent (Line) (Image)
Chat Statistics - Simplified (Bar) (Image)
Chat Statistics (Bar) (Image)
Connected Chats by Duration (Bar) (Image)
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Version: 2024.7.24.2304 (July 24, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipelines, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Reporting, OrchardCore.Cms.Web, ChimeV5.StandardReplies, ChimeV5.SharepointFaqImporter
Update: SharePoint Settings - Added the support for site display name updates reflecting correctly in the Chime UI (Ticket #5397) (GIF)
Update: Standard Replies - Update adaptive card reply type to be filled with an empty card upon selection (Ticket #5399) (Image)
Update: Tenant Standup Recipe - Updated agent message branding card with 'Sender' metadata rather than 'Guest' (Ticket #5396) (Image)
Update: Reports - Update options object used by pie charts to omit y-axis, do not show empty chart canvas when there are no results for a report (Ticket #5392) (Image)
Update: Pipeline List UI - Add a test pipeline button on the pipeline list views (Ticket #5390) (Image)
Update: SolarWinds Create/Update Ticket - When updating/creating a ticket the seeker rating and comments are added to the ticket commends field (Ticket #5404) (Image)
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Version: 2024.7.23.2297 (July 23, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgentWithEscalation, ChimeV5.Teams.AgentNotifications, ChimeV5.OrchardUtils, CHimeV5.TenantRepository, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard
Updated: Agent Web Client - Updated routing to include additional data such as wait time, active pipeline stage key that was active, and connection time. (Image)
Updated: Agent Web Client - Updated chat transcript to include tooltips on the message transcript with UTC message timestamp and sender type. (Image)
Update: Connect To Agent/Connect To Agent With Escalation - If the agent tries to connect to a chat while it is not in a route-to-agent state or processing a
command, send them back a message indicating that is the case. (Ticket #5398) (Image)Update: Error Handling and Logging (Ticket #5394) (Ticket #5393)
Explicitly list that we have sent the fallback attachment card.
Agent web client LeaveChat action.
Agent sessions when added on backend.
Clearing allowed agent in distributed session cache.
Session details/agent web client controller action.
Handling agent join BF events.
Skip populating Teams address data on ContinueConversation events.
Handling of database connection errors.
Additional logging for SQL connection errors.
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Version: 2024.7.18.2292 (July 18, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions
Updated: Agent UI - Added quick checks to prevent multiple agents joining chats and notification message if another agent has joined the chat (Ticket #5357)
Updated: Solarwinds Create Ticket - Added custom field 'Ticket Origin' to ticket created by Chime (Ticket #5391)
Updated: Solarwinds Create Ticket - Add support for cases where attachment name is missing, get name from the content URL (Ticket #5391)
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Version: 2024.7.15.2289 (July 16, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.BotFileAttachments, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgentWithEscalation, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SoalrwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds,
Update: Standard Replies - Update handling of markdown standard replies so that /commands will work as expected (Ticket #5372) (GIF)
Update: Solarwinds Ticket List - Use filter 'requested_by' to lookup tickets (Ticket #5388)
Fix: Connect To Agent, Connect To Agent With Escalation - Reset the next pointer of the connect-to-agent pipeline items when they are re-entered, clear the ConnectedToAgent timestamp when in 'Waiting' state (Ticket #5387)
Fix: Solarwinds Create/Update Ticket - Ensure no duplicate inline attachments appear twice in the ticket comments (Ticket #5388)
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Version: 2024.7.11.2286 (July 11, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRATickets, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgentWithEscalation, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.Ticketing.JIRA, ChimeV5.Reporting
Added: Metadata - New metadata field Guest.SessionRating & Guest.SessionRatingComment added for improved reporting (Ticket #5379) (Image)
Update: JIRA Ticketing - Debug logging updates (Ticket #5370)
Update: FAQ Reports - Make columns in report tables resizable (Ticket #5631) (GIF)
Update: Connect to Agent with Escalation - Inject temporary metadata for the agent the joined/left the chat when generating corresponding card for route-to-agent pipelines (Ticket #5385) (Image)
Update: Connect to Agent with Escalation - Updated metadata to support if an agent picks up a chat after it was picked and escalated by a prior stage (Ticket #5374, #5381)
Update: SolarWinds Ticket Create - Apply Tag 'VTB2' for tickets created by Chime v5, update formatting of inline attachments (Ticket #5380) (Image)(Image)
Update: JIRA Ticket List - Add a toggle option to 'Use Mock Data' (Ticket #5370) (Image)
Update: Invgate ticket create - Allow pipeline to set ticket priority (Image)
Fix: JIRA Ticket List - Fix for maximum ticket count (Ticket #5470)
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Version: 2024.7.8.2277 (July 8, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.OrchardUtils, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.UI.ActiveChats, ChimeV5.UI.ChatHistory, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRACreateTicket, ChimeV5.Ticketing.JIRA, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRATickets
Added: FAQ Reports - Added new section on the manager dashboard for FAQ specific reports
Added: FAQ Reports - Added new reports for:
Updated: Local Memory-Cache - Updated to retain the memory-cache for cases where the chat is active on one instance (Ticket #5367, #5369)
Fix: Agent Web Client - Updated the 'History' tab to include the arrows indicating sorting order for the list (Ticket #5366) (Image)
Update: FAQ Export/Deployment - Strip all the metadata parts when exporting FAQs, so it just gets the content into the recipe (Ticket #5371)
Update: JIRA Ticketing - Added API call to get all accounts for the email username
Update: JIRA Ticketing/Ticket List Pipeline - If user has multiple accounts, use the active/atlassian account & use the active user account for ticket listing
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Version: 2024.6.26.2265 (June 26, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.UI.Abstractions, Chimev5.Pipeline.BossDeskTickets, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.OrchardUtils, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.FAQ.Tests, ChimeV5.AdaptiveCards, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.Webclient, ChimeV5.UI.ChatHistory, OrchardCore.Cms.Web, ChimeV5.pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgentWithEscalation, ChimeV5.Reporting
Added: BossDesk Ticketing Support - Configuration page with credential verification (Ticket #5239) (Image)
Added: BossDesk Ticketing Support - BossDesk Ticket List Pipeline (Ticket #5239) (Image)
Added: Connect To Agent With Escalation Pipeline - Added new pipeline stage that allows for agents to escalate chat to another pipeline stage/agent list with associated metadata, reports, and module in flow. (Ticket #5319) (Gif) (Image) (Image) (Image) (Image) (Image)
Added: FAQ View Stats - New tab within the FAQ editor that displays view statistics for the FAQ item. This data is updated whenever someone views the article (Ticket #5356) (Image)
Update: App Insights Tracking - Ensure app insights is loaded on guest web client and tracking code is injected into agent client/session details (Ticket #5358)
Update: Solarwinds Create or Update Ticket - Track attachment URLs in ITSM and add inline attachment preview links and preview for images (Ticket #5359) (Image)
Update: Agent Webclient FAQs Tab - Display opened/not opened state for FAQs sent to guest using click tracking (Ticket #5218) (Image)
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Version: 2024.6.13.2242 (June 13, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.ChimeTenant, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SummarizeConversation, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.AI.ConversationalAnalysis, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions.Tests, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup
Fix: Session Metadata - Prevent concurrent updates to session metadata document to prevent concurrency issues (Ticket #5349)
Update: FAQ Lookup - Add view for session FAQ part when viewing the chat session content item (Ticket #5340) (Image)
Update: Invgate Ticket List - Hide fields based on configuration (Ticket #5337) (Image)(Image)
Update: Email Hyperlinks - Updated linkifying code to handle email address with period in email username (Ticket #5353) (Image)
Update: Connect To Agent - Add retry logic for sending messages to Bot Framework, notify agent if message was still not sent (Ticket #5355)
Update: Summarize Conversation Pipeline - Added error handling for Summarize Conversation pipeline (Ticket #5352)
Update: Chat Session Storage - In session details view, if the transcript document doesn't exist, it will try to find it by display name and fix up the session record (Ticket #5352)
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Version: 2024.6.10.2234 (June 11, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.TagsImport, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SoalrwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds
Update: Tenant Standup Recipe - Report categories without any reports are not displayed in the reporting UI (Ticket #5345)
Update: Tenant Standup Recipe - Add a new report to show chats where no FAQs were found for guest's query (Image)
Update: Report Content List - Display report description in report definitions list (Image)
Update: Report Export - Filter report categories when exporting reports as recipes to deployment plan (Ticket #5345)
Update: FAQ Item - Add a tab on FAQ items to show usage stats with FAQ lookup pipeline (Image)
Update: Tenant Standup Recipe - Trim exported report categories that aren't applied to exported FAQ reports (Ticket #5345)
Update: Solarwinds Create/Update Ticket - Notify seeker with 'Provide seeker Solarwinds ticket details' text only when ticket is successfully created/updated (Ticket #5331)
Update: Solarwinds Create/Update Ticket - Log error in session metadata if any are encountered during ticket create or udpate process (ticket #5331) (Image)
Update: Agent Webclient/Session Details - Add a tab to display FAQs that were sent during session (Ticket #5340) (Image)
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Version: 2024.6.5.2226 (June 6, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Teams.AgentNotifications, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup.Tests
Fix: FAQ Lookup - No longer finds tags that are pieces of other words (Ticket #5341)
Update: FAQ Lookup - Added data for tracking FAQs shown and basic reporting (Ticket #5340) (Image)(Image)
Update: FAQ Lookup - Use " - " as a splitter for keywords (Ticket #5339)
Update: Teams Webhook - Send a message to Teams channel when a guest drops while routing (Image)(Image)
Update: New Tenant Recipe - Remove the text from 'Generic Pipeline Help Message' "If you need help at any point, you can email and we will provide you additional resources." (Ticket #5333) (Image)
Update: Connect to Agent Pipeline - Refactoring pipeline code to get available agents
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Version: 2024.6.3.2217 (June 4, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.FAQ
Update: Manage FAQ Page - Show tags on FAQ items in list views (Image)
Update: FAQ Lookup - Add options for different search lookups (Default, Any Tags else All Keywords, Tags Only, Any Keyword, All Keywords, Tags or Any Keyword, Tags or All Keywords, Best Tag, Best Tag or All Keywords) (Image)
Added: Test FAQ Lookup - Admin UI for testing searches with different configurations (Image)
Update: Test FAQ Lookup - Added null-checking for blank fields and error handling (Ticket #5330)
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.5.31.2214 (May 31, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.GptChat, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Pipelines, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Invgate
Update: AI Chatbot - Add a message to ChatGPT pipeline stating it doesn't understand/respond to file attachments (Ticket #5323) (Image)
Update: FAQLookup - Add option to exclude ‘stopwords’ when doing FAQ search (Ticket #5305) (Image)
Update: Mermaid Diagram Pipeline Preview - Add ability to zoom and pan (Gif)
Update: Invgate Create Ticket - Assign ticket to group if the 'IncidentGroupId' is available (Ticket #5320) (Image)
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Version: 2024.5.28.2208 (May 28, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket
Update: Agent Webclient - Add line break ux to agent web client (Ticket #5315) (Gif)
Update: SolarWinds Create Ticket - Attachments are uploaded to ticket associated with Chime chat session (Ticket #5314) (Image)
Update: Agent Webclient - Convert single new line \n to double new line \n\n when you sent text from agent webclient (Ticket #5315)
Update: Agent Webclient - Autolink urls and email addresses when guest is using Teams (Ticket #5317) (Gif)
Update: Agent Webclient - Use styleoptions to enable multiline message (Ticket #5315) (Gif)
Update: SolarWinds Ticket List - Update ticket search query to use filter 'search_in_context' (Ticket #5322)
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Version: 2024.5.21.2198 (May 21, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ScriptChoice, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRATickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.OrchardCommon, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ServiceNowTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SimpleChoice, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.TextPrompt, ChimeV5.SendCard, ChimeV5.UI.ManagerContent, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.UI.Abstractions
Fix: Create Content Manager Links - Added some checks to handle cases where returnUrl is missing on agent list creation (Ticket #5307)
Update: Manager Agent Lists Page - Use the data tables child row to show list of agents in the list for sorting purposes, show which pipeline an agent list is used by in the extra info child row (Image)
Update: Unhandled/invalid Input - Add general option to route to different pipeline stage (Ticket #5301) (Image)
Update: JavaScript Pipeline - Add script methods for getting the chat transcript and the first and last messages (Ticket #5312)
Update: SolarWinds Configuration - Add new property "SolarwindsHostURL" to build ticket URL (Ticket #5311) (Image)
Update: SolarWinds Configuration - Cache updates to set value for SolarWinds Host URL (Ticket #5311)
Update: SolarWinds Ticket List - Append ticket number to ticket title on the listing card (Ticket #5313) (Image)
Update: Entry Bot Configuration - Add field to record expiration date of the Azure bot secret (Ticket #5277) (Image)
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.5.17.2190 (May 17, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.SendCard, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.GptChat, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Bot.Workflows, ChimeV5.ManagerUI, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI
Update: ChatGPT Chatbot - Add metadata field and tracking for connected time to chatbot (Ticket #5302)
Update: ChatGPT - Save last message guest sent while connected to chatbot in metadata + number of AI messages (Ticket #5306) (Image)
Update: Workflow - Add updated adaptive card editor UI we have in place everywhere else to the 'send card' task module (Image)
Update: Workflow - Add a filter for session metadata updated workflow event that will only trigger for specific keys (Image)
Update: Adaptive Card - Record invalid input, resend card based on configuration, move to next state if validation card has no input fields or button options (Ticket #5301)
Update: Adaptive Card - Add default value of invalid help command message for backward compatibility (Ticket #5301)
Update: SolarWinds Create Ticket - Update to confirm default value is assigned for backward compatibility (Ticket #5304)
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.5.14.2181 (May 14, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Teams.AgentNotifications
Update: Teams Webhook Notifications - Send a reply to the connected Teams channel when an agent picks a chat (Ticket #5278) (Image)
Update: Teams Task Module - Adjust iframe width and remove FAQ title from the frame (Ticket #5297) (Image)
Update: Solarwinds Create Ticket - Add maximum title length field, if the title exceeds the maximum it will be trimmed to the character limit (Ticket #5283)
Fix: Agent UI - After marking the session as resolved and leaving the session the 'Leave' button updates successfully (Ticket #5280)
Update: Agent UI - Larger message text box, adjustable chat and agent tool width, compact history tab session list, larger chat container when opened in full screen (Ticket #5281) (Image) (Image)
Update: Teams API - Alternate API for downloading Teams inline image attachments (Ticket #5299)
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.5.9.2174 (May 10, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.AI.Translation, CHimeV5.Ticketing.ServiceNow, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Cherwell, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Invgate, ChimeV5.Ticketing.JIRA, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant, ChimeV5.ProblemTags, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Teams.AgentNotifications, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup
Update: FAQ Teams pop-up window - Formatting & UI updates and condensing of content (Ticket #5271) (Image)
Update: Solarwinds Create/Update Ticket pipeline - Addition of a toggle for update/create option and updated pipeline flow (Ticket #5275)
Update: Teams App Install Message - Added a toggle to enable/disable (Ticket #5273) (Image)
Fix: Pipeline Looping - reset the isExiting flag after a pipeline item has successfully exited (Ticket #5274)
Update: FAQLookup pipeline - fixes and enhancements around search, FAQs that hit on more tags or keywords rank higher in the list (Ticket #5167)
Update: FAQ Teams pop-up window - Add _blank for external link opened inside task module and updated handling of internal links with security restrictions (Ticket #5284)
Fix: New Tenant Standup - Fix for data migrations (Ticket #5288)
Update: Teams Toast Notifications - Updated descriptions for pipeline items and first block of test written in adaptive cards (Ticket #5272)
Update: Botframework Webchat - update to latest version: 4.16.0
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.4.30.2137 (April 30, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.GptChat, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI
Update: Adaptive Cards - Save any metadata added to the buttons or template in ChatGPT pipeline under the ‘data’ field (Ticket #5255) (Image)
Update: ChatGPT pipeline & Azure OpenAI Services page - Add basic response quality filter and refactor citation handling code and quality filter toggle (Ticket #5253) (Image)
Update: ChatGPT pipeline - Resource the value shown if the ChatGPT gives a low-quality response (Ticket #5253)
Update: ChatGPT pipeline & Azure OpenAI Services page - Reduce the minimum length of the basic response quality filter and add minimum response length field (Ticket #5253)
Update: ChatGPT pipeline - Shift out the GPT response filtering to a service that can be configured (Ticket #5253)
Update: ChatGPT pipeline & Azure OpenAI Services page - Quality filter settings moved to a separate tab (Ticket #5253)
Update: ChatGPT pipeline & Azure OpenAI Services page - Replace stock on-your-data “no results” phrases with custom template and any relevant documents found and add ‘Low Quality Response Tokens’ field (Ticket #5253)
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.4.24.2134 (April 25, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.BotFileAttachments, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant
Update: Guest Teams client - Handling of emojis, images, and text mixed with emojis (Ticket #5247) (Image)
Update: Metadata - Resolution and deflection metadata name values (Ticket #5234)
Fix: Cognitive Search Indexing Status - Test search tab wildcard searches
Update: Cognitive Search Indexing Status - Added ability to delete records from the test search index
Update: Cognitive Search Indexing Status - Summary of content items tab (Image)
Update: Adaptive Card - Initialization of AdaptiveCard text-replacement data services for URLS referencing media library content (Ticket #5245)
Update: Chat GPT - Azure search extension API update (Ticket #5254)
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.4.19.2129 (4/19/2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.SharepointFaqImporter, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI
Update: Solarwinds Ticket Update - Ticket status is not updated to 'new' state after updating (Ticket #5248)
Update: SharePoint Importer - Removed empty image tags that do not have a src attribute, hardened error handling (Ticket #5244)
Update: ChatGPT - Remove GPT citations that can't be matched to a Chime content item (Ticket #5246)
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.4.16.2126 (April 16, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.ManagerUI, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets
Update: Handling of AzureAD authentication scheme name for /FirstTimeLogin
Fix: External login provider button - Was impacted by case change of "AzureAD" to "AzureAd" with switch to Microsoft.Identity.Web library in Orchard 1.6.0
Added: Migration to update roles for new ResolveChats permissions in existing tenants (Ticket #4427)
Update: SolarWinds ticket list pipeline - Added support for mock data (Ticket #5242) (Image)
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.4.15.2123 (April 16, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.ProblemTags, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant, ChimeV5.Core.Abstractions
Fix: Stall creating new tenant - Deadlocked around trying to access the SiteSettings from within a data migration (Ticket #5228)
Added: Error handling for submitting chat session status (Ticket #2017)
Added: A way for Agents to mark session as resolved and associated UI - Resolved button, ticket number/link, resolved by, resolution notes (Ticket #4427) (Image) (Image) (Image)
Added: Browser notification for agent dashboard - prompts to allow on browser, selecting the notification will open the agent dashboard tab (Ticket #5224) (Image) (Image) (Image)
Update: Solarwinds pipeline flow - added option to sort listing on ticket "created timestamp" or "updated timestamp" (Ticket #5233) (Image)
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.4.10.2118 (April 10, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.ProblemTags, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellTickets, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.SharepointFaqImporter, ChimeV5.Pipelines
Update: Bot manifest to version 1.1.404 (Ticket #5221)
Update: Cherwell Ticket List - Updated card UI / layout and show specified number of tickets (Ticket #5230)
Update: Manage FAQs UI - Add a tag to show when an FAQ is indexed, hovering over tag shows the date and time (Image)
Update: Manage FAQs UI - SharePoint tags that label an FAQ as imported from SharePoint and the up to date status combined into a single tag (Image)
Fix: Mermaid Diagram API Call - API Call now uses tenant prefix when calling for diagram on the pipeline list UI quick preview (Ticket #5226)
Update: validDomains to use *, increment version, create new zip (Ticket #5229)
Added: Cognitive Search Status - New section/tab for test searching the Azure Search index (Ticket #5232) (Image)
Update: Azure Search client library - Azure.Search.Documents updated to version 11.5.1 (Ticket #5232)
Fix: FAQLookup pipeline - Error trying to lookup FAQs by tag, changed to the pattern where ISiteService is resolved when needed instead of injected in constructor (Ticket #5228)
Check out our ChimeV5 FAQ for more details
Version: 2024.4.4.2111 (April 4, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendEmail, ChimeV5.WebClientThemes, ChimeV5.Pipelines, ChimeV5.Pipeline.KeyPhraseExtraction, ChimeV5.SharepointFaqImporter, ChimeV5.Pipeline.GptChat, ChimeV5.AI.AgentChatAssist, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToChimeV4, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ScriptChoice, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SimpleChoice, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendText, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.UI.AdminDashboard, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets
Update: Solarwinds ticket list - Add option to show specific ticket states (open, resolved, all) (Ticket #5211) (Fix for resolved in 2103)
Added: Custom pages for error views - "You do not have access to this resource" (Ticket #4606)
Update: Solarwinds ticketing - Added JS Script call to resolve tickets (Ticket #5211)
Update: SignalR & Presence when agents log out - Override the Orchard logOff url, push presence change to all users when agents log off, push a notification to user has been logged off, pop a modal on other windows when user logs out, insert the userId into the agent LeaveChat URL querystring in case the agent has logged out (Ticket #5090)
Update: Teams App - Remove the "end" message bot command (Ticket #5221)
Update: Azure ChatGpt library to latest 1.0.0-beta.15
Update: SharePoint Import - Link handling for SharePoint share links & clean up escaped colons in link URLS (Ticket #5195)
Update: Send Email Pipeline - Remove the email sender field (Ticket #4890)
Added: Webclient Themes - Added new base chat themes, base buttom themes, web client instances, and web client sandboxes to the V5 recipe (Ticket #5222)
Update: Various Pipelines (SendText, Cherwell Create Ticket, Cherwell Ticket List, FAQ Lookup, JS Script, Adaptive Card Choice, Connect to V4, AI Extract Keywords) to position Key, Next, and Drop Stage fields first in the pipeline form (Ticket #5112)
Update: Pipeline list UI - Added description line to pipelines in list views, added quick preview button that displays the mermaid diagram in a pop up modal
Version: 2024.3.29.2095 (March 29, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.ChimeTenant, ChimeV5.AI.Translation, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendEmail, ChimeV5.AdaptiveCards, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.AI.PromptLibrary, ChimeV5.Bot.Workflows, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.BotFileAttachments, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant.Abstractions, ChimeV5.CognitiveServices, ChimeV5.Debug, ChimeV5.EchoState, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.FeatureAuditTrail, ChimeV5.FeaturedContent, ChimeV5.ManagerUI, ChimeV5.OrchardUtils, ChimeV5.Outages, ChimeV5.Pages, ChimeV5.Pipeline.Abstractions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToChimeV4, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Pipeline.GptChat, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateTickets, ChimeV5.PipelineJIRACreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRATickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.KeyPhraseExtraction, ChimeV5.Pipeline.OrchardCommon, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ScriptChoice, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendText, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ServiceNowCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ServiceNowTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SimpleChoice, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SoalrwindsTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.Subflow, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SummarizeConversation, ChimeV5.Pipeline.TextPrompt, ChimeV5.Pipeline.TransferToTenant, ChimeV5.ProblemTags, ChimeV5.ReadonlyBag, ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.ResetRolePermissions,ChimeV5.RolebasedAuthRedirection, ChimeV5.SendCard, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.StandardReplies, ChimeV5.SupportWebclient, ChimeV5.TagsImport, ChimeV5.TenantRepository, ChimeV5.Ticketing.ServiceNow, ChimeV5.UI.Abstractions, ChimeV5.UsefulNotes, ChimeV5.Webclient, ChimeV5.WebClientThemes, ChimeV5.Agents, ChimeV5.AI.AgentChatAssist, ChimeV5.AI.AgentTranslation, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.AI.ConversationalAnalysis, ChimeV5.AuditTrail, ChimeV5.ContentPermissions, ChimeV5.DataMigrationsInspector, ChimeV5.Email, ChimeV5.GraphApi, ChimeV5.ImportExport, ChimeV5.Pipelines, ChimeV5.SharepointFaqImporter, ChimeV5.SignalR, ChimeV5.SubfolderReciperHarvester, ChimeV5.Teams.AgentNotifications, ChimeV5.TenantContentManagement, ChimeV5.Tenants, ChimeV5.Ticketing.AgentExtension, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Cherwell, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Invgate, ChimeV5.Ticketing.JIRA, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.UI.ActiveChats, ChimeV5.UI.AdminDashboard, ChimeV5.UI.AdminMenu, ChimeV5.UI.ChatHistory, ChimeV5.UI.ManagerContent, ChimeV5.UI.ManagerDashboard
Added: Session variable to render local time in adaptive cards (Ticket #5202)
Added: Script helper function: translateText(targetlanguage,textToTranslate) (Ticket #5217)
Fix: Email pipeline activity - 'Next Stage' routing no longer reaches 'Drop' stage, mermaid diagram now displays correctly (Ticket #5209)
Update: OrchardCore libraries from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0 - This includes the addition of localization resources, Lombiq libraries updated to 1.6.0 compatible versions, fixes for interface changes in ChimeV5.Tenants module, fixes for AzureAD authentication from changing from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AzureAD to Microsoft.Identity.Web in OrchardCore.Microsoft.Authentication (Ticket #5210)
Update: Tenant creation recipe - include a step to create the user roles (Ticket #5208)
Update: Invgate ticket list - UI update and new field to limit number of tickets displayed (Ticket #5207)
Added: Session Wrapper API - Service for getting file attachments for a session (Ticket #5206)
Update: Chat Transcript Content Item - DisplayText includes the sessionID (Ticket #5201)
Update: JIRA ticket list - UI update and nuew field to limit number of tickets displayed (Ticket #5194)
Version: 2024.3.21.2087 (March 21, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.SharepointFaqImporter, ChimeV5.Webclient, ChimeV5.WebClientThemes, ChimeV5.SendCard, ChimeV5.Pipeline.Subflow, ChimeV5.Pipeline.OrchardCommon
Update: Add web.config and disable Server and X-Powered-By headers (Ticket #5191)
Fix: SharePoint Import Feature - Replace relative links to other SharePoint pages in the same wiki with fully-qualified URLS (Ticket #5195)
Fix: SharePoint Import Feature - Replace links to SharePoint items that have already been imported into Chime (Ticket #5195)
Update: SharePoint Import Feature - Html sanitation and miscellaneous tweaks such as stripping empty tags, special handling for case with links in number lists, wrap remove spans in error catching, document and remove some of the verbose debug logging for release build (Ticket #5195)
Update: SharePoint Import Feature - The 'Check for Updates' button now receives a warning pop up notification if the document is not published yet (Ticket #5196) (Image)
Update: Web client in iframe - Disabled the X-Frame-Options header that is applied with the antiforgery token so that the web client can be opened in an iframe (Ticket #5198)
Update: Webclient Themes - BaseButtonTheme, WebClientInstance, and WebClientSandbox able to start chats with updated baseUrl/tenantName (Ticket #5189)
Update: Subflow/Call Pipeline pipeline item - Change handling of Subflow pipeline items to avoid recursion building pipeline, additional error handling was added (Ticket #5197, #5199)
Fix: Subflow/Call Pipeline pipeline item - Fix issue with sub-pipelines where chat states weren't always getting disposed correctly, causing idle timeouts to fire after the session had ended (Ticket #5204)
Added: Teams task module UI - Middleware to improve FAQ display within MS Teams task module UI (Ticket #5200)
Version: 2024.3.18.2080 (March 18, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.AdminKitTheme, ChimeV5.SharepointFaqImporter, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ServiceNowTickets, ChimeV5.Ticketing.ServiceNow, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.ManagerUI, ChimeV5.SessionStage.Orchard
Update: Fixes around resuming chats after instance restart/deployment (Ticket #5169)
Update: ServiceNow - Show ticket number on card instead of ticket id (Ticket #5190) (Image)
Fix: Tenant standup - Unable to resolve service type IAgentService while attempting to active SessionRepository (Ticket #5193)
Update: SharePoint Importer - Issues importing SharePoint docs with images from _layout, removal of whitespace around bold tags (Ticket #5192)
Version: 2024.3.14.2076 (March 14, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ServiceNowTickets, ChimeV5.Ticketing.ServiceNow
Update: Solarwinds Create Ticket - Chat transcript is added to the 'comments' field (Ticket #5168)
Update: ServiceNow Ticket List - New configuration properties & card layout (FooterText, TicketCount, ShowButtonAssociatedWithCard, ButtonAssociatedWithCard), seeker is moved to next state if ticket selection is disabled (Ticket #5190)
Version: 2024.3.8.2072 (March 11, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.Debug, ChimeV5.TenantRepository, ChimeV5.TenantContentManagement, ChimeV5.Tenants, ChimeV5.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets, ChimeV5.UI.AdminDashboard, ChimeV5.AI.Translation, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.GraphApi, ChimeV5.SharepointFaqImporter
Update: Default/Root tenant admin menu UI - Reorganization and addition of new 'Chime Instance Management' dropdown submenu (Ticket #5148) (Image)
Update: Default adaptive cards - Updated the V5 recipe to include the latest adaptive cards with descriptions (Ticket #5152)
Update: FAQ explorer page - Updated the V5 recipe to include the latest FAQ explorer page (Ticket #5156)
Added: Created at version number - For newly stood up tenants the build version number upon creation is listed on the tenants page, tenant edit page, and tenant system info page. (Ticket #5165) (Image)
Update: Default FAQ lookup pipeline - Updated the V5 recipe to include latest version of the pipeline (Ticket #5161)
Update: Solarwinds ticket update/create - Minor formatting update and API update around inputting content into tickets (Ticket #5166)
Update: Solarwinds ticket listing - New input field to adjust the number of tickets that are shown (Ticket #5163) (Image)
Added: SharePoint Import Feature - Import SharePoint site pages and document library content into FAQs (Ticket #5147, 5170) (Image, Image, Image)
Version: 2024.3.7.2065 (March 8, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SoalrwindsTickets, ChimeV5.AgentUI, ChimeV5.Bot.Workflows, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant, ChimeV5.Debug, ChimeV5.ManagerUI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.TransferToTenant, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.StandardReplies, ChimeV5.Webclient, ChimeV5.Agents, ChimeV5.UI.ActiveChats
Update: Solarwinds ticket listing - No longer includes closed and resolved tickets (Ticket #5153)
Update: Solarwinds ticket listing - Default font size for footer & show ticket description, card layout changes (Ticket #5126, #5159)
Update: Solarwinds ticket listing - Chevron icons right aligned, removed spacing between footer and action items, reduce padding around footer text, show ticket description in column set (Ticket #5126, #5159) (Image)
Added: Solarwinds ticket listing - Configuration option for FooterText and ShowButtonAssociatedWithCard (Ticket #5126, #5159) (Image)
Fix: Adaptive Card Library Item - Json field no longer overwritten when creating a new card (Ticket #5158)
Added: Agent web client flow tab - Error message if the pipeline stage is not found (Ticket #5162) (Image)
Version: 2024.3.4.2058 (February 4, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Ticketing.Solarwinds
Update: Solarwinds API - Do not send across Id and number (the same as v4 VA), incident request should be wrapped within incident tag (Ticket #5151)
Version: 2024.3.1.2057 (February 1, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant
Fix: Class name for tab container - Created a large gap between last content on tenant settings page and the save button (Ticket #5131)
Update: Remove the raw exception proptery from the StateChangePart - Caused errors due to a mismatch between using Newtonsoft.Json serializer and the System.Text.Json serializer and the differences between the two (Ticket #5150)
Version: 2024.2.26.2054 (February 27, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Reporting, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SummarizeConversation,
Updated: Default reports - The default set of reports had their names, category tags, and metadata values updated (Ticket #5128)
Updated: Default pipelines - The default set of pipelines had the pipeline stage names, metadata values, and adaptive cards updated (Ticket #5128)
Updated: Default branding in media library - Updated the tenant standup recipe for all license tiers to always include _branding folder content
Version: 2024.2.12.2050 (February 15,2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Bot.Workflows, ChimeV5.ManagerUI, ChimeV5.Agents
Version: 2024.2.8.2048 (February 8, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Ticketing.JIRA, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ServiceNowCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ServiceNowTickets, ChimeV5.Pipelines, ChimeV5.ResetRolePermissions, ChimeV5.Pipeline.TextPrompt, ChimeV5.Agents, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRACreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRATickets, ChimeV5.AI.AzureOpenAI, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateTickets, ChimeV5.Ticketing.Invgate, ChimeV5.Pipeline.OrchardCommon, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ScriptChoice, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SimpleChoice, ChimeV5.SessionStorage.Orchard
Update: Agent UI flow tab - new flow events including general-purpose debug messages, error events, and timeout events (Ticket #5077) (Image)
Update: Invgate user model update (Ticket #5118)
Update: Solarwinds ticket creation - ticket title is set as guest/seeker question (Ticket #5119)
Update: Cognitive Search Indexing - when indexing is disabled on an already indexed file it is removed from Azure Blob container (Ticket #5107)
Added: Cognitive Search Indexing - New button on the 'Search Index Status' page to trigger the indexer to run (Ticket #5117) (Image)
Update: JIRA ticket creation - ticket summary is set as guest/seeker question & field order update (Ticket #5120)
Fix: Intermittent issue for 'Connect To Agent' pipeline activity not using DI ISiteService (Ticket #5123)
Update: Prompt for User Input - updated text input and confirmation field sizing (Ticket #5116)
Added: One-click button to remove all permissions from a role (Ticket #5114) (Image)
Update: Pipeline Editor - if you submit and get an error on the submission the input field where the error occurred are highlighted (Ticket #5078) (Image) (Image)
Added: Log Files - new form and controller to zip all logs for a date & button to download (Ticket #5125) (Image)
Update: Lombiq data tables for logs view - includes sorting and searching (Ticket #5125)
Update: Service-Now ticketing - replace old metadata fields with defined ticketing fields (Ticket.Id, Ticket.Number, Ticket.URL) (Ticket #5127)
Update: Service-Now ticketing - remove obsolete fields and update field order (Ticket #5127)
Update: JIRA ticket creation - set ticket summary field as seeker/guest question (Ticket #5120)
Version: 2024.2.1.2036 (February 1, 2024)
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.GptChat, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Outages, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.CherwellTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToAgent, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ConnectToChimeV4, ChimeV5.Pipeline.FAQLookup, ChimeV5.Pipeline.GptChat, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.InvgateTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRACreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.JIRATickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.KeyPhraseExtraction, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ScriptChoice, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendEmail, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendText, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ServiceNowCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.ServiceNowTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SimpleChoice, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsCreateTicket, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SolarwindsTickets, ChimeV5.Pipeline.Subflow, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SummarizeConversation, ChimeV5.Pipeline.TextPrompt, ChimeV5.Pipeline.TransferToTenant, ChimeV5.Pipeline.SendCard, ChimeV5.CognitiveServices, ChimeV5.ResetRolePermissions,ChimeV5.FeaturedContent, ChimeV5.FAQ, ChimeV5.ChimeTenant, ChimeV5.BotEndpoint, ChimeV5.StandardReplies
Update: Additional options for chatbot RAG cognitive search (Ticket #4583) (Image)
Fix: Issue with QueryType where it could be null and it's not supposed to be
Update: Redirect to login page and agent web client if picking a chat from Teams and a non-authenticated user (Ticket #5089)
Fix: Ability to save chatbot cognitive search settings when cognitive search isn't configured (Ticket #4583)
Update: FAQ search using tags then fallback to FAQ title (Ticket #5092)
Update: FAQ search new configurable property 'Maximum Number of FAQ entries to be Displayed' (Ticket #5092) (Image)
Update: FAQ pipeline migration script (Ticket #5092)
Update: FAQ image width - No longer stretches images to the size of the FAQ container (Ticket #5098) (Image)
Update: Invgate integration for access control list restricted API response (Ticket #5101)
Fix: Error getting Teams address information in middleware (Ticket #5093)
Update: Default anonymous role permissions - Allows anonymous users to specified content (pages, featured content, outages, and FAQs) (Ticket #5091) (Image)
Update: Renamed all of the pipeline item display names for the pipeline editor and pipeline picker dropdown (Ticket #5080) (Image)
Update: Serlog log files to roll when they reach 10mb (Ticket #5109)
Fix: Remove ticketing pipeline activity duplicate timeout fields (Ticket #5110)
Fix: Remove bootstrap script that was breaking the top-right dropdown menu for the standard reply edit view (Ticket #5100)
Version 2023.1.25.2018 (January 26, 2024)
New Feature(s): ChimeV5.AI.PromptLibrary, ChimeV5.UsefulNotes
Updated Feature(s): ChimeV5.Pipeline.ScriptChoice
Added: Useful Notes content type and pages on the admin and manager dashboard - allows admins and managers to easily leave notes and comments on a tenant (Ticket #3840) (Image)(Image)
Fix: Unauthenticated access for chat history and agent list pages in the manager dashboard (Ticket #5009, #5010)
Added: ChatGPT prompt library - used to store and organize helpful ChatGPT prompts for the ChatGPT feature (Ticket #4909) (Image)(Image)
Update: JavaScript pipeline activity's 'Error Stage' field is optional (Ticket #5064)
Update: JavaScript pipeline activity 'Error Stage' routing shows in the mermaid diagram (Ticket #5064)
Added: JavaScript pipeline activity 'Error Stage' validation for backward compatibility (Ticket #5064)
Version 2024.1.22.2011 (January 23, 2024)
Update: Azure ChatGPT DSK package to the latest version - Can tell the chatbot to only speak a specified language and it will translate the responses it generates from our English FAQs into that language (Tickets #4583, #4901)
Added: Support for 'Error Stage' next pipeline item to invoke if JavaScript evaluation fails (Ticket #4907)
Update: Edit view for Agent Lists to show all agents when the all agents option is selected (Ticket #4985) (Image)
Update: JavaScript pipeline activity text input field sizing for 'Please Wait' and 'Confirmation' message (Ticket #4897)
Update: Send Text pipeline activity text input field sizing (Ticket #4988)
Update: Site Super User is unable to be deleted (Ticket #4990)
Added: UI elements that highlight the Super User account (Ticket #4990) (Image)
Version: 2024.1.17.2003 (January 17, 2024)
Added: Agent list dropdown menu - shows agents in list, their status, and defaults to username if FirstName/LastName fields are not filled (Ticket #4895) (Image)
Update: Setting captions for Azure AI Translation Service & Azure AI Cognitive Service (Ticket #4902)
Added: Metadata tab for common content parts to be moved to (Ticket #4899) (Image)
Update: Hide the resolve/reopen outage buttons when creating a new outage (Ticket #4897)
Fix: UTC to local conversion errors in the outage editor (Ticket #4897)
Fix: Remove default greeting commands if they have been cleared on the tenant settings (Ticket #4908)
Fix: Agent translation settings language selection ability to save when no languages are selected (Ticket #4904)
Version: 2024.1.11.1995 (January 11, 2024)
Update: Dropdown option to see the agents contained in agent lists (Ticket #4895) (Image)
Update: Echo translated message back to the agent that sent it (Ticket #4882)
Added: Scroll bar to outages navbar dropdown (Ticket #4896) (Image)
Update: Agent is not prompted on Teams if they are the seeker starting the chat via Teams (Ticket #4898)
Added: Agent context window tab to show seeker open and active Solarwinds tickets (Ticket #4462) (Image)
Update: Display text for the Scriptchoice and Faqlookup pipeline activity expected script results dropdown labels (Ticket #4487) (Image)
Version 2024.1.9.1988 (January 9, 2024)
Update: Handling of distributed Redis cache session records - Added sliding expirations to all of the Redis cache entries, so that they will expire out of the cache after some period of time if they are not accessed (Ticket #4879)
Update: Root tenant control panel page to include list of orphaned chat sessions in cache (Ticket #4879) (Image)
Update: JavaScript pipeline activity removed mandatory confirmation message (Ticket #4886)
Update: FAQ content view to show the author, publish date, and rating (Ticket #4885) (Image)
Version 2023.12.6.1972 (December 7, 2023)
Added: Tenant by database server page - This page shows a list of databases, the database type, and any associated tenants. (Ticket #4609)
Removed: SQlite database option on the tenant creation page
Update: Audit trail popups are enabled on secondary tabs (security) for content items
Added: Invgate ticketing configuration page in the admin area (Ticket #4414) (Image)
Added: Invgate ticket listing pipeline activity (Ticket #4414) (Image) (Image)
Added: Orchard feature profiles (feature tiers) on the tenant creation page - When standing up a new tenant there is an additional dropdown menu where a 'Standard', 'Premium', or 'Enterprise' feature tier is selected. Based on the tier a different set of features will be listed & enabled in the tenant. (Ticket #4332) (Image)
Added: Role based access to content items - Content items under their 'Security' tab can have specific access based on the user role. (Ticket #3265) (Image)
Added: Login Domain Restrictions - Tenant admins can restrict what domains are able to login/access the tenant based on the domain whitelist. (Ticket #4608) (Image)
Update: Center ChimeV5 theme password reset page layout (Ticket #4578)
Added: Manager dashboard left side menu scroll bar when the window is minimized (Ticket #4575)
Added: Direct agent notifications through Teams - Agents are able to receive notifications directly to their ChimeV5 app on their Teams client. New sections have been added to the user profile page for Agents, Managers, and Admins. (Ticket #4475) (Image) (Image) (Image) (Image)
For Configuration Information Reference: Configuring Chime V5 for Seamless Real-time Agent Notifications and Teams Integration
Fix: Restrict claims passed through azure SignalR - minimizes the required hubs authentication & fixes SignalR failures (Ticket #4590)
Version 2023.11.15.1955 (November 16, 2023)
Added: Teams channel broadcast notifications through Webhook (Ticket #4475) - This feature gives the ability to connect a pipeline/workflow to a Teams channel and receive instant notifications upon incoming chats
Pipeline Item Webhook Configuration: (Image)
Teams Channel Notification: (Image)
For Configuration Information Reference: Notify Service Desk Agents Using Teams Webhook Integration - Broadcast Into A Teams Channel
Update: Default ‘Connect to Agent’ pipeline item text resources - When the ‘Connect to Agent’ pipeline item is added to a workflow/pipeline these text resources will be filled by default (Ticket #4520) (Image)(Image)
Fix: Multiple LeaveChat API requests when hitting the’ Leave Chat’ button (Ticket #4521)
Version 2023.11.2.1949 (November 13, 2023)
Added: Open AI Cognitive Search integration (Ticket #4504) - This feature enables the ability to index content(FAQs) and leverage them within the Chatbot responses using the AI Chatbot or the AI Assist Features. This allows for customers to have customizable collections/knowledge bases of content based on the organization or helpdesk they are using.
Cognitive Search Configuration Page: (Image)
Search Index Status Page: (Image)
Content Item Search Index Status Page: (Image)
Live Chatbot: (Image)
Agent Assist: (Image)
For Configuration Information Reference: Connect Azure OpenAI ChatGPT with Azure Cognitive Search: A Step-by-Step Guide
Version 2023.10.23.1947 (October 27, 2023)
Update: Login UI on Chime V4 login template (Ticket #4525) (Image)
Fix: Center link account form UI (Ticket #4529)
Version 2023.10.19.1945 (October 24, 2023)
Update: Home page recipe including SQL query and featured content card markup (Ticket #4467) (Image)
Version 2023.10.18.1943 (October 19, 2023)
Fix: Agent UI actions after a Tenant Transfer
Fix: Incorrect Tenant Id when using Tenant Transfer
Fix: Unicode issue in agent web client window title and notification card
Version 2023.10.11.1939 (October 12, 2023)
Fix: Reporting API Playground JS Code in dark mode (Ticket #4478)
Added: All content types to Audit Trail (Ticket #4091) (Image) (Image) (Image)
Added: Login page to Chime theme (Ticket #4433) (Image)
Fix: Teams install message runs through Adaptive Card templating replacement machinery (Ticket #4468)
Fix: Exception handling for dealing with attachment types that Teams (Ticket #4498)
Version 2023.9.26.1923 (September 27, 2023)
Update: SignalR workflow event handlers for regular and Azure SignalR (Ticket #4435)
Update: Logging to troubleshoot SignalR service connectivity
Update: Log files to include information on size and timing of the log files
Version 2023.9.20.1915 (September 20, 2023)
Added: App package for the new CI/HA environment (Ticket #4446)
Update: Multi-instance deployment with redis cache (Ticket #4432)
Update: Patch to deal with cases where something tries to send a null card (Ticket #4432)
Fix: Mismatched parameter for DI
Update: Validate and save SMTP email configuration (Ticket #4434)
Version 2023.9.14.1906 (September 14, 2023)
Added: Solarwinds configuration page in the admin area (Ticket #4319)
Added: Solarwinds JavaScript calls for updating and creating tickets (Ticket #4398)
Added: Solarwinds ticket creation and updating pipeline activity (Ticket #4397) (Image)
Added: Solarwinds ticket listing pipeline activity (Ticket #4399) (Image)
Related Items:
Version 2023.9.5.1899 (September 6, 2023)
Version 2023.8.29.1894 (August 30, 2023)
Added: Cherwell JavaScript calls for updating and creating tickets (Ticket #4395)
Version 2023.8.25.1872 (August 25, 2023)
Added: Cherwell configuration page in the admin area (Ticket #4236) (Image)
Added: Cherwell ticket listing pipeline activity (Ticket #4349) (Image)
Added: Cherwell ticket creation and updating pipeline activity (Ticket #4368) (Image)
Fixed: Search UI on agent dashboard standard reply tab
Added: Highlight agent web client message bubble/background (Ticket #4355) (Image)
Added: Infrastructure to handle transferring a chat to a different tenant
Added: Pipeline activity to handle transferring a chat to a different tenant
Fix: Null-checking so unknown tenant pipeline is able to route
Added: Standardized logging messages
Fix: Clear cached settings to fix cases where updating the tenant pipeline in a migration causes a startup hang
Version 2023.8.16.1872 (August 17, 2023)
Added: Configurable idle timeout value for Chat GPT pipeline activity (Ticket #4336)
Added: Report view from report definition page
Added: Guest message box is hidden when chat has ended (Image)
Updated: Chat GPT pipeline activity choice count defaults to most complete/longest response (Ticket #4330)
Updated: Chat GPT pipeline activity support for responses exceeding maximum token value (Ticket #4328) (Image)
Updated: Removed session delay between guest and agent web client (Ticket #4318)
Updated: Removed fixed width on end chat button for agent web client (Ticket #4341) (Image)
Added: Update tenant settings without fully reloading the Orchard shell or interrupting connected chats (Ticket #4291)
Version 2023.8.10.1869 (August 10, 2023)
Added: Azure Open AI ChatGPT pipeline activity (Ticket #4296) (Image)
This feature can be enabled in the features section (Ticket #4298)
Metadata values added:
With in the pipeline activity settings the user may adjust (Image):
Chatbot prompt
Chatbot Greeting
Chatbot Avatar
Chatbot display name
Number of previous messages to include in the chat context
Creativity of responses (Temperature)
length of response (Max tokens)
Version 2023.8.3.1862 (August 3, 2023)
Added: AI driven agent chat assistance (ticket #4278) (Image)
During a chat, agents can navigate to the "AI assist" tab where they can automatically generate AI responses based on the on-going chat.
"Azure OpenAI service configuration" tab in the admin area (Image)
"Agent AI Chat Assist Configuration" tab in the admin area allows admins to update various AI chat assist functions (Image)
Added: Jira Ticketing support
New Jira configuration page in the admin area (Image)
Jira ticket listing pipeline activity (ticket #4235) (Image)
Jira ticket creation and updating via Pipeline activities and JavaScript calls (ticket #4303) (Image)
Updated: ServiceNow JavaScript calls (ticket #4303)
Differences in ServiceNow JavaScript calls:
getTickets(seekerEmailAddress) became: getServiceNowTickets(seekerEmailAddress)
createTicket(ticket) became: createServiceNowTicket(ticket)
updateTicket(ticket) became: updateServiceNowTicket(ticket)
Updated: renamed "Summary" tab to "AI summary" (ticket #4303)
Updated: Chats routed to V4 now display more metadata values (Ticket #4315) (Image)
Added: Reports for chats routed to chime v4 added (Ticket #4301) (Image)
List of added reports:
All Chats Routed to ChimeV4
Chats Routed to V4 by Queue
Chats routed to V4 over time
Chats Routed to V4 vs V5 Over Time
New reports are listed under the Chime V4 category.
Updated: 3 additional fields added to the Route to Chime V4 pipeline activity (Image)
Chime V4 Server URL
Chime V4 QueueID
Chime V4 Key
Added: Support for "==" in report definition Query Conditions (ticket #4293)
Fixed: AI summarization no longer includes an extra period at the end of the summary (ticket #4307)
Fixed: AI summary title can now be displayed via JavaScript call (ticket #4292) (Image)
Version 2023.7.27.1843 (July 27, 2023)
Added: AI conversation summarization pipeline activity. (ticket #3270) (Image)
AI summaries are generated based on the agent and guest chat messages when the "Summarize Conversation" pipeline activity is used or invoked by a JavaScript call (Image)
Summaries are also stored in the meta data values (Image)
Added: Basic JIRA Ticket listing pipeline activity. When a Ticket is selected ticket identifying information is added to the metadata. (ticket #4235) (Image)
Updated Recipe (see Orchard Core) for default pipelines with help commands, invalid command message and some Connect to Agent pipeline messages (ticket #4258) (Image)(Image)
Version 2023.7.17.1821 (July 20, 2023)
Fixed: User presence remains consistent when switching pages (ticket #4244) (Image)
Added: Link over to application insights (manager dash for staging root, prod root, prod eval) (Image)
Added: Page Content items can be pushed to child tenants via Manage Tenant Content page
Fixed: Azure Translation Service configuration page - dropdown menus can now be displayed (removed bootstrap reference) (ticket #4247) (Image)
Fixed: Unrecognized Tenant Settings page - dropdown menus now able to display (bootstrap foot was messing it up) (ticket #4253) (Image)
If routed to a sub-pipeline via "Call Pipeline" activity, the help/greeting commands of the active state in sub-pipeline will display. Fixing the issue where, the parent pipeline's help/greeting commands were overriding the sub-pipeline's. (ticket #4252) (Image)
Version 2023.7.12.1815 (July 12, 2023)
Added ChimeV5.AI.Translation module, when feature is enabled Admin (ticket #4203) (Image)
Added a Test Connection button for Cognitive Services credentials (ticket #4121) (Image)
Fixed: User dropdown menu can be opened on Cognitive Services page (ticket #4194) (Image)
Updated: Send Active Outages pipeline Item will only display full outage if shorter than 500 characters or 3 elements, otherwise the outage is partially hidden (ticket #4211) (Image)
Added outage notification email definition in outage settings (ticket #4206) (Image)
Added a view button for featured content Items (Image)
Fixed: Root Tenant Pushing content page is properly formatted (Image)
Version 2023.7.5.1800 (July 5, 2023)
Added support for displaying pictures in outages (ticket #4178)
Added support for Markdown in the outage details section
Fixed: multiple problem tags can be added to an ongoing outage (ticket #4167)
Fixed: collapsed Send Active Outages pipeline activity now displays correct text amount/format (Image)
Fixed: bug where "continue action" field wasn’t displaying on the Send Active Outages pipeline activity (Image)
Fixed: outages viewed from the Teams and web client task module no longer contain the list of active outages or navigation link to the dashboard (ticket #4127)
Fix for resolved outages cannot be pushed to a child tenant (ticket #4181)
Added a warning message when pushing content to a child tenant already containing a draft of that content (ticket #4191) (Image)
Added draft content can't be published to other tenants (ticket #4191)
Added generation of unique file names in the Media Library when a file is sent between agent and guest (ticket #4195) (Image)
Fixed: problem where bot framework rejected attachments sent through wouldn’t be sent. They are now listed as a downloadable file if the file type cannot be displayed in the chat. (ticket #4193) (Image)
Added module: ChimeV5.AI.Translation
Added support for Azure Cognitive Services API calls (GetAbstractSummarization(), GetExtractiveSummarization()) (ticket #4192)
Updated: Agent ID's location from agent dashboard to agent profile (Image)
Added BaseChatThemePart "Preview" page via "Test Base Chat Theme" button (Image)
Updated the organization of the Admin Navigation bar (Image)
Added Admin dashboard (Image)